Monday, March 27, 2017

Final Four got me trunked

Hey everyone!!
Just still out here in Paso de los Libres!
It was a pretty good week and we kicked it off with a meeting in Corrientes Capital with Presy Franco! It was pretty good I guess... I kind of slept through it all as we had to leave at 1:30 in the morning to start our travels.

But other than that, it was just a normal week of just working and playing around! Things are still going pretty well around here for all of us here in Paso de los Libres! 

But I hope you all have a great week this week!

Elder Peters

All the missionaries in the province of Corrientes

Hey fam, so everything has been good this past week.  We had our multizona conference in Corrientes capital but I slept through most of it all since we had to leave at 1:30 in the morning to start our travels down there...But it was super fun and pictures will be sent in the group email! I didn’t get my entrevista with Presy Franco since he had another meeting to go to...

Things are going well, we are working closer to another baptism with one of our only investigators (sorry to tell ya dad... your impession just wasn’t true...) But we’re going to help her get dunked this week if she quits smoking! I have learned a lot of doctrine but the thing I have learned the most is how much I hate apostasy...It’s nice having 2 sets of companionships in Pasos, especially since they’re super dope guys! and we just put in a lot more work.  We did divisions with them this past week and I went with Elder Gonzalez in his area and he is a dope guy and are working super hard over there... just contacting ya know haha.

But have a great week!
Love you all!!
GO DUCKS!! (Presidente Franco is cheering them on too)

[No Subject]

Hey everyone!
So, nothing really new to fill you guys in on!  This past week we had district conference so all the members and missionaries from Mercedes and Curuzú Cuatiá came up to Pasos on Sunday, so it was a pretty stressful week leading up to that!  But all is well and we are getting ready for another trip to Corrientes Capital for a multizona with all the missionaries in Corrientes tomorrow in the morning… so that just means we get to travel alllllll night long…
But all is well!  Have a great week!
Elder Peters

1. Culture summed up in one picture
2. Con Elder Pendleton. Newbie fresh from the States... just us on our way to church:-)

Dude I mean like I can still make fun of their boyfriends even from down here in Argentina!! Why did you have to raise them with such terrible taste in boys??  But things have gone well this past week. We had district conference and Presidente Franco came and spoke with one of his counselors! it was really good! he talked with the district about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and posed the question "what is your gold statue in your life?" what’s the thing keeping us from being loyal servants to our heavenly father? He just dropped full cane on the district for being lazy hahah but it was kind of stressful as well the whole week but it all came out well in the end… even though me and another missionary showed up late to the meeting because we were bringing an investigator that lived far away…But all is well for now! We have to travel all night tonight for our multizona conference tomorrow in Corrientes Capital…But I don’t know... nothing else comes home to write you guys about... things are just tranquilo like always!
Have a great week!


Hey everyone!

So, not much to fill you guys in on from this past week! 
It was a very tranquilo week of just some work.
This week we made our way out to Curuzu Cuatia to divisions with the Elders down there! Elder Salas de Santa Cruz, Argentina, and Elder Pedenera de Cordoba, Argentina. They’re both super dope!  But all is well!  We are just getting ready for some big meeting going on here in Paso de los Libres these next couple of weeks.  But other than that we are doing just fine!
Have a great week!!

Elder Peters

1. Elder Salas, me, and Pelu, she got baptized this past week in Curuzu Cuatia
2. With the Fimilia Pineli on our way to an activity in the church!

hey fam,
So, this week was good! It was our first week that we had basically all week in Paso de los Libres! We didn’t have to go to Mercedes for our district meeting at all so the only traveling we had to do was for District meeting. We have 2 investigators progressing a lot, Edgar has made a lot of progress this past week after a dope charla we had with him, and a woman named Marina, all she needs to do is stop smoking to be baptized.  We have been struggling to find new people to teach as always... We are getting ready for District Conference here in Paso de los Libres, meaning all the members and missionaries have to travel from Mercedes and Curuzu Cuatia to make the trip. The Elders from Mercedes will be having a baptism this week as well here in Pasos after the District Conference.  This past week we went out Curuzu Cuatia and I did a baptismal interview for a girl named Pelu, age 19, and she got baptized the following day, but in a city called Goya, on the other side of the providence of Corrientes, where her extended family lives that are also members, she doesn’t have much support from her family in Curuzu. So, it’s quite a trip for the Elders out there in Curuzu to take! But the day of the interview there was a huge storm and so when we got to the house we were soaking wet and miserable, and with the rain hitting the tin roof it made it almost impossible to hear what she was saying so we had to sit very close to one another;-) (don’t worry my comp was there with me!) So far after this week the zone will have had 5 baptisms and not a single one will have taken place in their own chapel!  But all is going well for us!  BTW if you’re looking at hymns, my favorite is one that’s not found in the English hymn book, it’s called Placentero nos es trabajar ( library/hymns/placentero-nos- es-trabajar-88?lang=spa)  But I also like Lead Kindly Light.  But sound like all is well back home! Not much else happened this week! But that’s just how it is!


Trunky Papers

Hey everyone!

So, this week was the first one of the transfer so that just meant going to our leadership meeting in Resistencia like always!

These weeks we don’t really get a lot done considering we are gone Wednesday to Saturday just traveling from city to city having meetings... One thing that was cool was this past Wednesday we started our first leg of our trip with a stop in Mercedes, Corrientes. We got there at around 2 and our bus did not leave until 4 for Corrientes Capital. So, we were just sitting there talking when a kid approaches us and asks us if we knew English. We said yes and he starts talking to us in English. We got to know him a bit and his name was Ludvik, from the Netherlands, and he was in Argentina training kids to play field hockey! He was a really dope guy and we got to spend the time talking with him to pass the time! He was just so grateful to find someone who didn’t speak Spanish because he had been struggling learning the language in his time here. But he was super dope!

And today as well I did receive my trunky papers, which is just a list of stuff that the mission office needs to know so they can start making my arrangements to come home in August...I also met a man this past week that had lived a few years in California and Oregon! also speaks really good English! we just talked about how much we love Oregon together!

But all is well! We look forward to a really fun week out here in Pasos!

Elder Peters

We Cook!

Elder Allred, my homie, he's assistant to Presidente Franco

My Son, Elder White

I mean like... we don’t hate each other... hahahah no we get along just fine...
I mean like how have I seen the Lords hand in my week? Well we spent all week traveling to and from Resistencia so we didn’t have much time to work. But the bus never broke down and didn’t have any problems with the police this time... so I guess it was a successful trip! I guess I’m not a spiritual guy.... But Edgar did fast this past week!  He’s not even a member but loves participating as much as he can!  Yes, the rash is almost gone so I should be fine!  I mean I guess you could say they (the members) like us.. or they just put up with us...   Yes I got the package... thank you.  But this past week as  already said we didn’t get a lot of work in because we had our leadership meeting in Resistencia… we didn’t really talk about anything new or exciting… just to keep up with what we’re doing..

But all has been well with us! nothing super exciting!
But I love you all and have a great week!



Friday, March 3, 2017

Taking these Pasos with Elder Curtis

Hey everyone!
So another transfer has come and gone and Elder Curtis and I are staying another one together here in Paso de los Libres!  Me and him will be together longer than any of my other companions so it will be interesting to see how things turn out over these next 6 weeks! We are also welcoming in 2 new missionaries to the city here in Libres and they will be showing up tomorrow night!  So, it should be a little more exciting around here these next couple of weeks!

But everything else has been going just fine! We have a week full of traveling ahead of us but we’ve gotten used to it at this point...

Hope all is well for you all back at home!
Have a great week!

Elder Peters

Just cutting our way through the jungles to talk about Jesus.


Hey guys! sounds like a pretty tranquilo week for you guys, it was the same for us here in Paso de los Libres.  This week I did a baptismal interview for a women in Mercedes and she was baptized and confirmed on Wednesday, then we did divisions with Curuzu Cuatia and I stayed there in Curuzu with Elder Pedenera, from Cordoba, Argentina. He’s pretty dope and still in his training!  We had a fun time and they’re working really hard down there and are going to have a baptism on the 10th of March.  After the division’s we went back to Pasos and finished out the week.  We did some service cutting down branches and stuff with Machetes so that was pretty fun!

But that’s about it! All is well!
Transfers passed and Elder Curtis are together for a third one here in Paso de los Libres! But this time they’re splitting the city up because now we have Pasos 2! Elder Gonzalez from Chile and his new missionary will be joining us up here tomorrow!